Saturday, December 13, 2008

Half A Christian

I heard a great line from Alistair Begg on the radio the other morning: "Half a gospel makes half a Christian." It resonated with me as so true. I was a half-Christian for many years. Having missed the part about God's wrath against sin, and my very real guilt, I had no real appreciation for the grace of God and for what a debtor to mercy I really was. This left me, in the end, arrogant and self-sufficient.

Of course there's really no such thing as "half a Christian;" that's the scary part, because it means that many who have heard only half the message of the gospel, and responded to it, now believe themselves to be converted, and they may not be. May God raise up many more pastors, like our own, who will preach the full message of the good news boldly and faithfully.


Missy said...

I should have named one of my kids Allistar.

Laurie M. said...

So true. An excellent point, and that was me for many years as well. Thank God He didn't leave me in that condition.