Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Primer, of Sorts...


Laurie M. said...

Thanks for that link. I've got to say, I really liked one of the comments regarding "duty":

"I view it as duty I had when I was a soldier…I enlisted, thus willingly placed myself under authority, and there were inherent duties in serving. I did not “do” them to “be” a soldier, but because I “was” a soldier. I do not “do” scriptural disciplines to make me a “good” Chrisian,” but there are disciplines that are the natural fruit of my enlisting (drafting?) into His service.
“He has shown you, O man, what is good and what the Lord requires of you…”

And of course, if we deeply love the One who's enlisted us, such duties will by and large be done gladly.

Jeri Tanner said...

So true!